Key Smile In Red Blotch

rust and wear
child sneaks to hidden door
shadows drift from sea wall to sea
waves of mist blow inland
sodden garden drenched in dew and rain
syrupy splotches in petals, on path
slippers and dressing gown
creeping silence
spongy rubber on concrete
squidge and squeak
closer now
the lock, draped in ivy
to tear, rip away
with rootlets crying
paint flaking
bugs wander in cracks
rivers drip down ridges
grooves, tongue and groove
rotten wood, old wood
who knows from when
the key, the key
father will not miss the key
cold key, hard key
slips in lock but will not turn
twist left, twist right
no movement
old men in gentleman's club
brandy and leather, cigars, old minds
minds that fought war
minds that must be strong
crack and crackle of open hearth
smoke like thick mist
blows in heavy from sea
moon milky
child wakes
danger scuttles, brushes bins, shoves shrubs
cold, a blank sheet
dead end

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