
A visiting teacher
as the bells from St Winifred's
clamped in the morning fog
instructed the class
on the nature of dreams
– our tools and craft
– our dharma

It is you
as if your dog bit a child
– this duty does not pass

~ ~ ~


and it's all out there
The mists of Winter have gone
and now you feast on a panoply of opportunity
You remember how the light fails
but this season, you know
you'll get all you need –
the power to outlast winter
even if summer never comes again
like a guaranteed kitchen appliance
one you can use with impunity
the repair or replace
will carry you through

~Love touches your belly
you are fire            eternal light
all religions begin with you
all books are your books
magi kneel at your birthplace

We will seek your secrets
sit close for warmth
for as long as we can

~ ~ ~