
I imitate the call of a devotee
My voice in the silence axes chains
conjures swirls, arcs, waves of ether

Visitors who never walk this earth
wake me from dreams
they bring homeliness from a distant universe

This Lady Chapel cracks
fragments of coloured glass cover sacristy and altar
– cream, silk-red, hard to the fingertips

A grey, wool curtain seals the room
the door is latched
In the shadows, I believed I was alone

~ ~ ~


Nearly gone and thanks
to whatever third parties
with no explanation
were in control

I've given in to the cold
this chill in the air
a dreamless, matter of fact
dead flower
bare twig
iced morning dew
where labels stuck in flower beds
are pointless

The real within the unreal has gone
I dwell on psyche

~ ~ ~